Using 8AI

8seats built-in conversational AI with all the power of ChatGPT – with extras. 8AI can summarise your Table and Room conversations, offer quick 8seats help and more.

What is 8AI?

8AI is just like the newest member of your team. It can help save time and boost your team's productivity by automating repetitive tasks, providing data analysis and insights, answering your specified prompts, or even providing an additional brainstorming resource.

How to use 8AI?

1. How to add AI to your Table or Room

Just like adding other team members, simply click the + button and choose 🤖 Invite 8AI

Note: 8AI is just like having another team member, they will take up a ‘slot’ on your Table. e.g. If you have 6 team members and add 8AI, it will count as having 7 members on that Table.

2. How to include or exclude 8AI from a conversation

To send a prompt to 8AI on a Table, you will need to include it in the conversation. If you are in a Room, 8AI will be included along with all other Room members.

To include 8AI in a conversation on a Table, tap their head up. Or to keep 8AI out of a conversation, tap their head down.

3. How to prompt 8AI

To send a prompt to 8AI, either type “@8AI” in your message – or use “@8” for short.

Suggested 8AI prompts

Not sure where to get started with your new 8AI team member? Here's a few suggested prompts you can try with 8AI:

@8AI Help me draft a follow-up message to a new customer after a successful meeting.

@8AI Generate a list of 5 creative blog post subjects about home decoration.

@8AI Summarise key insights from these 10 recent Google reviews for my business: <include the text from the reviews here>

@8AI Can you summarise this discussion? Include our key topics and agreed actions.

@8AI How should I decide between starting a Table, Room or DM in 8seats?

Privacy & security

Our core security and privacy principle is that your data belongs to you. We only send message data to 8AI if all of the below conditions are met:

  • You’ve added 8AI to the table

  • You’ve included 8AI’s head in the conversation

  • You sent a message that includes “@8AI” or “@8”

The message data will only be used to process your request with the AI and is never used to train or improve the AI.

How 8AI works

When you message 8AI, we send 8AI your question plus the last 100 messages from the current conversation in your Table, Room or DM. We do this to provide enough context for 8AI to be able to deliver a helpful response. 8AI also has a comprehensive understanding of 8seats so you can ask questions about the platform, including hints and tips, how-tos and more.

What’s behind the scenes?

8AI is currently powered by GPT-4o which is the latest and greatest from OpenAI. In future, we plan to expand to many other providers and you will be able to choose who to use.

Limitations of AI

Disclaimer: It is important to understand that AI can have some limitations including providing inaccurate or misleading information, limited awareness of recent events, limited generalisation and may not comprehend over-complex requests. We recommend you keep these limitations in mind.

What’s next for AI in 8seats?

We will soon be adding the ability to add multiple AI agents to your Tables and Rooms – meaning your team can interact with more than one different AI model. Additionally, we have a number of AI-specific features planned for the future, including conversation summaries and natural language search.

Last updated